Friday, September 19, 2014

AltaGolden is starting a new SEMINAR SERIES!

AltaGolden is launching a new seminar series with topics designed to help our senior population.  The first in this series is about Medicare enrollment.  It's always a confusing issue so we've asked Rhonda Norton to come and help us.  I asked Rhonda because, every time I go to her with a question I come away feeling like I have just been given a great education without a sales job.

I hope you will join us for this great event.

Medicare Enrollment Demystified!

When: October 11th from 10:30am to 12pm

Where: AltaGolden Memory Center at 16885 West Bernardo Drive, Suite 212 (in the Parkwest Court Building)

Join us for refreshments and listen to Rhonda Norton of Hughes Norton Insurance Services,Inc talk about Medicare enrollment and your various options.  There will be plenty of time for questions and answers. 

If you are unable to attend this seminar but would like to make an appointment to speak with Rhonda please give us a call.

This is an informational presentation only!  There will be no signup for Medicare plans at this presentation.

For additional information please visit us online at or call us at 858-779-9254.

Thanks for visiting.  Don't hesitate to give us a call if you would like more information about AltaGolden services or you would like to schedule a visit to the Memory Center Adult Day Program.

Take care and have a wonderful weekend!

Blessings, Laura Barish

It's Just a Week Away!!! Senior Health and Resource Fair

AltaGolden Senior Health and Resource Fair

When: September 27th from 10am to 3pm

Where: AltaGolden Memory Center at 16885 West Bernardo Drive, Suite 212 (in the Parkwest Court Building)

Join us for refreshments and to speak with support vendors and hear presentations.  Each visitor will be given a raffle ticket to win prizes!  You may also buy additional tickets. 

The following vendors will be here to meet with you…

AltaGolden In-Home Services and Adult Day Program
Dental Hygiene In-Home (Mobile Dental Hygienist) – Nicole Wendell
Holistic Wellness (Vendor is TBD) 
Hypnotherapy – Dr. Nikki Goldman
Living Design Interiors (Aging in Place) – Beppie Mostert
Shaklee Vitamins and Skin Care – Nutritionist Renee Van Heel
Bio-Cranial Therapy – Dr. Rudy Reyes
Accucare Medical Supplies – Paul Bernou
Home Physicians Medical Group (Mobile Doctor) - Michael Podd
Golden Equity Mortgage (Reverse Mortgage) – Michele Kole
Veterans Advocacy Associates (Vet Benefits) - Carlotta O'Hara & Peter Willis
Eternal Hills Memorial Park (Pre-need planning) - Onyx Llauger
Oakmont Senior Living (Independent, Assisted Living, Memory Care) 
Avalon Hospice – Kathy Cook
Home Downsizing Professionals – Jane Hautman
Palomar Pharmacy (Mobile Pharmacy) 
Fond Reflections Video (Remembrance Videos) - Fred Farmer

For additional information please visit us online at or call us at 858-779-9254.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


Join us at the Memory Center on September 27th from 10am to 3pm for a Senior Health and Resource Fair. We will have vendors from a variety of wonderful companies that will be giving talks and demonstrations throughout the day. This will be a fun event and a great way to spend your Saturday.

Visit our Events page at for more information about the event and a list of vendors.

Feel free to call us at any time with your questions and requests.  Be well and have a blessed day!

Laura Barish

Caution About Caregiver Scam

Good morning all. It's been very busy, which is always a good thing. For today's post I want to warn you of a scam that is going around.

There are some groups that are circulating some of the 55+ communities going house to house claiming to provide caregiver services.  While you are being engaged at the front door, their cohorts are checking to see if other doors and windows in the house are unlocked so that they may get in to rob you.

I don't know of any legitimate caregiver companies that go door-to-door trying to sell you services.  If someone like this does come to your door, tell them you can't talk and quickly lock your front door and go check the other avenues of entry to make sure they are secure.

I have also seen letters and fliers left at the door advertising caregiver companies.  In every case I have checked these out and none have been seasoned, good quality companies.  If you get a flier that looks interesting, go online and check to see if they are accredited with the BBB, see if they are operating out of an office or someone's home, and find out if there are complaints listed online.

It's very important to use a company that has good business practices.  Doing your research and using an established company will save you a lot of heartache in the long run.

Take care and have a happy, healthy day!  Many blessings to you always.

Laura Barish

Visit us online at or call us at 858-779-9254 with your questions.

If you have a blog topic you would like me to research and write about, please call and let us know. Nancy is the office manager and she takes all calls during the day. Off hours the calls come to me.