CCAL-Advancing Person-Centered Living is working with the University of Buffalo-Institute for Person-Centered Care on a research project funded by the Retirement Research Foundation. One of the aims of the study is to gather feedback from a geographically diverse group of people about what they feel is important and/or needed concerning dementia care in America.
The aim of the survey is to develop agreement on priorities for dementia care, research, education, and funding from the perspectives of people living with dementia, family care partners, and advocates for people with dementia. As someone with knowledge about dementia, we invite you to take part in this study. It is easy to participate and will not involve much of your time.
There will be at least one more round of the survey as we build agreement. We hope that you will participate in the multiple rounds. We will ask you for your email at the end of the survey so we can send the next survey to you. Your responses and any other information you provide will not be linked to your email. The research has been approved by the Internal Review Board at the University of Buffalo.
A written survey and a pre-addressed, postage-paid envelop can be mailed to you if you would prefer this method instead of completing the survey online. Please call the number below and leave your name and address.
We will combine the views of everyone who takes part in the survey. We will use the information to help inform federal policymakers about what people feel is important and needed concerning dementia care to better inform and shape their priorities.
Your response by April 25, 2014 would be appreciated.
To take part online click on this link:
To request a paper version contact:
Dr. Davina Porock
Director, UB Institute for Person-Centered Care
Or email
Thank you for helping us make your voice be heard!
Karen Love, Founder, CCAL-Advancing Person-Centered Living
Davina Porock, PhD, Director UB Institute for Person-Centered Care
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